I began with the first image. From here I searched online for some interesting effects and this is how I came to the final image. I began by copying the main image by pressing Command + J.
For the image I wanted, I had to add an effect to the second layer called High Pass... This gave the layer a strange grey effect as shown below.
I set the Radius to 5.0 pixels after I experimented and found that this gave the best effect. After this I changed the blend of the layer to 'Overlay'.
Next I copied the original image again and placed it at the top of the layers list. After Desaturating this image, I changed the blend to 'Hard Light' ending up with this image:
Once I had this base image I merged all the layers together and ended up with one image. I added the Artist name and Album title and added a glare for a bit of effect. Alex had already made the Magazine Advertisement by now, which made it easier for me to choose the font. We wanted an obvious link between the three platforms and managed this by having a consistent font throughout the advertisement and album cover and for the album cover having an image from the video.
After I added the writing the CD cover was beginning to take shape:
Next to add a fade around the edges. First I made a Rectangular Marquee selection of the area I want to see:
By selecting the 'Add layer mask' button at the bottom of the layers list. Once this was selected, the area around the selected area disappeared and a menu appeared below the layers palate. From here, I was able to fade the edges of my image to my desired effect.
However; this is not where we end. Next I need to make the fade black. To do this I must create a layer and place it under the original image. Once I have done this, I must colour the layer black so that the fade looks more effective.
Finally, to add one more effect. I added a Lens Flare to fit in with the genre of the song. This was simple as the option was under 'Filters' at the top of the page. After selecting 'Render' and then 'Lens Flare' I was faced with some options.
I played around with the effects and finally settled on a flare that wasn't too obvious and looked like the sun. Here is the final image: