Wednesday, 8 September 2010

So The Planning Begins!

I have just started all my planning for my coursework this year!
I will be working with Alex Newcombe (his blog is HERE)
We're going to be making an amazing music video... hopefully!
We've also planned to make a website for the band (this will be my side of things) and a cover for the CD (this will be Alex's side).
We've decided on the song 'Little Lion Man' by Mumford and Sons. Alex managed to find that Mumford & Sons are signed to Universal Studios Operations Limited so we're going to draft a letter and send it off to ask permission to use their song.
After we've done that we must:
- Find people who are willing to appear in our video. We need to ensure that they fit the genre and stereotype of the video.
- Find suitable locations and settings for our video. Again we need to find suitable locations to fit the genre.
- Plan and draw up a story board... This will be drawn by me.
- Research the genre of our video to see what makes a video of that genre popular.
Once we've completed all of this, we can begin filming. Yay!

When I heard that we would be making a music video, I looked up the definition of a music video so that our work would fit into this description.

"A music video or song video is a short video or film that accompanies a piece of music or song. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Although the origins of music videos date back much further, they came into prominence in the 1980s, when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 80s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip" or "film clip"."

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